Adopted Snow Leopard through WWF
Following class voting, we decided the animal our school would adopt was the Snow Leopard.
This links to our Eco work.
Vision Day
Music- Percussion
We have been learning how to play percussion instruments with the xylophones.
Design Technology - Fruit Salads Designs
Balance Bikes
Thank you the the St Lucia’s Friends who purchased a set of new balance bikes for key stage 1. We enjoyed our previous Bikeability training so much in the autumn term, that we wanted to continuing developing our skills.
Here are some finished drawings…
Science – plant growth
This week we have been on a learning walk of the school grounds to find different types of leaves. We then sorted them by characteristics and made detailed, observational drawings of them, which we will continue with next week.
Computing linked to Maths
To help Year 2 children with their maths in learning about position and direction, we used the Beebots to programme routes on our playground.
We used quarter turns, half turns and three-quarter turns, both clockwise and anticlockwise, which really helped us to develop this maths knowledge as well as our computer skills. Very impressive everybody!
Exciting Stories…
Class 2 have been working on some delightful “exciting stories” recently – just take a look at these examples of their great work!
Springtime and Easter Poetry
Class 2 created their own Easter and Springtime poem which they then shared so brilliantly during the Easter service in Church.
They also painted some beautiful pictures to accompany their poem!
This week, we have been reading, listening to and writing poetry. We found a large selection of poems which were beautifully illustrated. Then we acted as poetry detectives to find key words, vocabulary and rhyming words from the text.
Red Nose Day 18th March 2022
World Book Day 2022
Today we have celebrated the 25th Anniversary of World Book Day.
Everyone looked fantastic in their book character costumes! Thank you to all the parents for your support with this.
We’ve enjoyed sharing our books from home, writing character descriptions, designing book covers and blurbs and discussing our top five favourite authors, illustrations and stories.
Class 2 have been hard at work after their half-term break, learning more about castles.
– we have developed our historical knowledge through chronology, linked to different castle designs through the ages.
We also spent time on our Science topic of ELECTRICITY this week.
As part of this topic, we found out how electricity travels to our homes and we researched the different types of energy which are used to power it in sustainable ways.
This is some of our wonderful work for the week!
Class 2 Computing
Over this half-term, Year 1 and 2 have been developing their computer programming skills and knowledge using ‘Scratch.’
We worked in pairs to create our own backgrounds, add Sprites (figures) and added simple speech to support our topic work on Castles.
Well done everyone!
Class 2 have enjoyed more practical science exploration using different sizes and types of balls to investigate forces.
We compared distances and speed on a range of surfaces, first making predictions about how far we expected the balls to travel.
Chinese New Year
We have been learning about the zodiac – the story of the 12 animals who have a year named after them and we have celebrated 2022 as the Year of the Tiger.
Leaflets and posters were made following our research and we extended our knowledge, learning where the country of China is and some of its traditional customs, whilst recognising these festival celebrations that take place across the world.
It’s been a busy half-term in Class 2 and the children have made a wonderful effort and worked well to produce some lovely classroom displays!
Eco Schools- Sustainability and PSHE – Respect
Learning the importance of looking after our school resources and equipment helps things to last longer.
Our class rules, clear expectations and teamwork encourage us to respect the things around us.
At the beginning of our Castles topic, we focused on our own homes, then made comparisons of different homes and their features.
Art Work
We used watercolours tore relate the Isle of Struay linked to our topic work on Island Life.
Water Safety
We have used the resources from the Canal and River Trust to look at the important of water safety. Each child in Class 2 has brought a small information book home with them as part of the week’s learning.
We then designed our own posters using the SAFE message- Stay Away From the Water. Some of our posters were also shared in Friday’s celebrating assembly.
Forest School and R.E.
Class 2 thought about our school values as part of their Forest School learning this week.
We worked in small groups to collect natural materials from our outdoor area to spell out our values of:
Great teamwork everyone!
Thank you for looking at previous Class 2’s content. For the academic year 2023-24 please click here.